Help and advice
Buying the right cage for your parrot is very important. Just buying the first cheap cage you see that is labelled up for your parrot is not the right way to go!
If your parrot is going to be spending a lot of time in there it needs to be spacious! So buying a macaw size cage for a African grey is not a bad thing, when buying cages just make sure the bar spacing is correct as you don’t want you parrot trying to escape and getting stuck!
A parrot’s cage is its home so making it as interesting, colourful, fun and spacious is a great thing.
Try and get a cage with 3 food dishes but if this is not possible you can always add your own. The reason you will need 3 dishes is for seed, water and fruit and veg, so your parrot can graze through this at his pleasure whilst you are not home. Make sure that any old food it taken out when you get home.
Try and put as many different perches as you can in there, most cages come with 1 doweling perch across the middle, just using this one IS NOT ENOUGH! A good idea is to use a concrete perch high up the cage for them to sleep on so it keep their nails trim at the same time. Safe wood branches are a cheap solution to perches and also double up as chewing toys.
Further information
Toys in the cage should be rotated regularly to avoid boredom of certain toys and to keep your parrots mind active. There are many great toys on the market now but if you cannot afford to keep replacing your parrot’s toys then there are many great sites with ideas of making your own. Charity shops are a great source of toy making parts as baby toys are sold very cheap.
Newspaper is a great free source of cage lining, but be sure to change this every day. You will need to clean your cage down with a good avian disinfectant every week or more often if possible. Your parrot is most likely going to drop food on the floor and then go down to pick it up which will mean him standing on his poop; he will then climb back up the cage and spread the poop all over and in turn spreading germs. Parrots also eat using their feet so another reason to keep the cage paper, bars, toys and perches clean for their health. One of the main causes of Aspergillosis is dirty cages with rotting fruit and veg, so good hygiene practice will go a long way to help your parrot’s health.
If your parrot is going to be living in your lounge then it may be a good idea to buy another cage for there “sleeping cage” which will be placed in a quieter room. This does not have to be as big and fancy as their main cage but will provide them with a quiet uninterrupted 12 hours sleep!
A check list to remember when buying your parrot’s new house:
Buying a parrot cage does not have to be an expensive outlay there are many shop out around to hunt for good deals but we recommend having a look on Scarlett’s web site. You can also look on sites for second hand cages, but if you are going to buy second hand make sure you go and see the cage to check for rush or damage.
If you require further advice please get in touch
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