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Bird advice

Help and advice Egg laying This is just a sign of the dreaded HORMONES. Many parrot owners get to this age and find they can no longer cope BUT PLEASE BE ASURED with the correct care they will normally go back to the baby you once had. Working in rescue we have seen trends of […]


Bird advice

Help and advice Screaming A Screaming Parrot is all too common in captivity, we have to realise Parrots in the wild do call each other so this is not a “Problem” behaviour, but this does not mean your parrot should be continually screaming throughout the day! The most common advice we hear is to cover […]


Bird advice

Help and advice Plucking On this page we will try and help you understand feather plucking/mutilation that can happen with your parrot. Did you know Parrots DONT PLUCK in the wild!! It is something they have learnt in our care to tell us that something is wrong! To start with if you parrot has started to pluck […]


Bird advice

Help and advice Illnesses When we talk about parrot illnesses we could go on for hours and hours as there is so much to cover, but what we will try to do is talk about the common illnesses and how you can spot signs of illness in your parrot. Please remember we are not vets, if you […]


Bird advice

Help and advice Hareness training Harness training your parrot it a great thing to achieve as it gives them loads of freedom and allows you to go outside the house together. It also provides more stimulation for your parrot. Harness training is NOT an easy thing and will take longer than a day. You need to be […]

Entertainment & toys

Bird advice

Help and advice Entertainment & toys All Parrots no matter how big or small are extremely intelligent and playful they must have toys to keep them amused and these toys where possible must be rotated weekly, kept clean and intact. If you work it’s always a good idea to buy the biggest cage possible so […]

Egg laying

Bird advice

Help and advice Egg laying This is just a sign of the dreaded HORMONES. Many parrot owners get to this age and find they can no longer cope BUT PLEASE BE ASURED with the correct care they will normally go back to the baby you once had. Working in rescue we have seen trends of […]


Bird advice

Help and advice Clicker training Want your parrot to behave a certain way but don’t speak Budgie, Cockatiel, Senegal, Macaw or Cockatoo? Clicker training is an ideal way to bridge the language barrier and communicate with your parrot in a fun and rewarding way. Clicker training your bird will keep their mind occupied and allow […]


Bird advice

Help and advice Cages Buying the right cage for your parrot is very important. Just buying the first cheap cage you see that is labelled up for your parrot is not the right way to go! If your parrot is going to be spending a lot of time in there it needs to be spacious! […]


Bird advice

Help and advice Biting If your parrots starting to bite then this page is to help you understand why, the page is packed with information and tips on how to try and change it’s behaviour. Most parrot owners find their parrot reaches maturity at the age of 4-7 and they change from the lovably baby […]